Hello Expedia authors. Assuming many of you are Kindle Indie authors or close enough ebook authors, I have compiled some great stuff for you -- PRACTICAL TIPS for Moving Kindle Books off the Shelves --
With a 'little' help from my friends on Kindle Community Forums where I have a huge thread going on this topic, we've condensed it to the BEST steps you can take to ensure success with your ebook(s), or at very least give you the illusion of success - LOL. Seriously, these steps have delivered spikes in sales for me and others who have used them. SEE BELOW:
With a 'little' help from my friends on Kindle Community Forums where I have a huge thread going on this topic, we've condensed it to the BEST steps you can take to ensure success with your ebook(s), or at very least give you the illusion of success - LOL. Seriously, these steps have delivered spikes in sales for me and others who have used them. SEE BELOW: